Snapshots of My Life

Monday, July 28, 2008

Memory Lane

Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I can't wait to see what people remember.


Katie said...

I remember you being SO easy to get along with and I loved sharing a room with you in cornerhouse. You were always a great listener too. I remember that I broke your little tiny horse on the shelf in our room beofre you even got there at the beginning of the semester. I was so worried that you were goig to be upset with me and our relationship would be off the a rocky start but you were so sweet and you stayed that way!

Jenn said...

I remember scaring the pants off of you with Matt (I don't remember his last name, from the ward up in ID) (pulling the phone cord out and stuff)... I also remember all the times you guys tried to get me to hang out and I was always talking to Tommy on the cell..... I also remember watching some shows late at night with you guys and watching "America's next top model" with Josie in the room, loving all the dove or bra commercials with "normal" and overweight women...... Good times!

Kate said...

I remember having a girls night and eating at Applebee's and then getting in the hot tub at your place afterwards. That was some funtimes. We don't seem to hang out as much anymore, maybe it is just because you aren't around as much! Anyway, that was my memory!

Ally said...

I remember you went to bed early. But on weekends it was time to play and we had so much fun. I remember that you wre always smiling and you were such a great person to talk to! love ya!

Rachel said...

This is so much fun. You are all so sweet. I miss those days sometimes. And Katy, we will definitely hang out more once I am permanently back in IF.

Erica Bazil said...

Rachel - it's been so long! I saw your blog on Jenny Spicer's and had to stop in to say HI!

How are you? I haven't stayed caught up on very many people so...where do you live, are you done with school, where do you work what are you doing, etc. etc.? You'll have to tell me what's going on in your life (as corny as that may sound).

My blog is if you want the low-down on my and my family.

I'll try to keep in touch better.

Erica Bazil said...

It was good to hear from you. Oh, it sounds like you're doing so well. We currently live in Payette, ID (we just moved here in May for Ty's job) but hope to make it back closer to home within a few years - we used to always think we'd end up in Idaho Falls area. I'm sure you do love it. I just gave my blogger friends an update on our family (the long version too) so if you look at the latest post I did in July you can find out all out us. That might be easier than retyping it here.

We'll keep in touch.

Sarah said...

remember the time Marci and I came over and Latin-dance-rsized in your living room. Yah! we should do it again when you get back. Have a super fun weekend with the Sistahs!

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