Snapshots of My Life

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Lost and Found Art of Writing

For those of you who don't know me, I am a reader. I'm serious, a real honest to goodness reader! I read cereal boxes, shampoo bottles, billboards, tags, and of course novels. I revel in flipping pages and bask in the smell of paper and the sight of sharp black type on a page. I am currently in the middle of 5 different books, and when I was younger my Mom's favorite, and ultimate, threat was "I am going to take your book away!"

Now, I have become rather worried of late about the future of books. Writing is becoming a lost art which few undertake and even fewer master. I feared for wittiness, suspense, fantastic characters, and beautiful scenes. My students (yes, I know, I am the dreaded teacher) have provided something less than consolation in this area. Abbreviations such as brb, lol, and gtg have taken the place of my beloved words. Don't get me wrong, I update my facebook page with alarming regularity, and my monthly texts number in the hundreds. However, a computer doesn't smell like paper and abbreviations will never be able to create that perfect description of a sunset.

Yet today, my faith has been restored. I began reading blogs. I was touched, entertained, and enlightened. Blogging has created a new genre that showcases some of the better writing I have encountered in a long while. Suddenly, I want to create a book; Blogger Meets Bryant or The Shakespeare in My Computer. Terrible titles, but it is a work in progress. Written wit and wisdom have regained their throne and my thanks goes out to all you brainy bloggers. Can I publish you some day?


Matt Schultz said...

Well, since you have this new blog, I guess I should re-post, huh?

Hooray! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I'm a ten day veteran myself, and it's been a nice addition to my arsenal of hobbies. Even though I'm a business grad and I'm borderline obsessed with numbers, writing is a soothing pasttime of mine.

As far as your dilemma of the computer not smelling like a book. . . Maybe you should patent a product that releases the odor of an old novel when you navigate to certain web pages? It sure would be original. I'm just not sure that the market size would be sufficient to warrant a distribution system.

Btw, nice choice of blog page design - that's the one I used for the first few days.

Jenn said...

sweet! you figured it out and even added another playlist! Way2go girl. Most people freak at the word html, you my friend are go-getter!

sorry, that template sample was still in the mush stage, you can take a look at it again now that it's finished for fun ( the "jklmnop181").

Good luck bloggin!
Love ya!

Jenn said...

Oh one last thing, when you add a new song to your playlist, somehow it automatically adds it, so you don't have to do the code thing everytime! Only if you want to change colors or shuffle or autostart.

Ally said...

Hey thanks for all the differnt playlists! hunter and i will tune in to them daily, as well as read your blog! Ally

Sunshine and Happy Days

Love Songs