Snapshots of My Life

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Just for Fun

I was tagged!
I read this on Annie's blog and thought it looked fun. So, here's a few snippets about me:

What was I doing~-10 years ago: Hmmm...I was probably going to girl's camp about this time. It was my second or third year and I was finally to the point where there were some newbies below me to give the dirty work to. Good times!

-5 years ago: Five years ago would have been my freshman year of college. I was finally starting to recover from sending my boyfriend off on a mission and was loving life taking tonz of classes and partying all night with my crazy roommates.

-5 months ago: January...I was just getting back from Christmas break and trying to get back in the swing of things. My students were driving me crazy, but I was enjoying hanging out with some new friends in my branch.

5 things on my to do list for today:
1- Study my scriptures
2- Take a nap
3- Write in my journal
4- Study up on Pres. Monson, as per Pres. Simpson's counsel
5- Write to my missionary brother and sister

5 snacks I enjoy:
1-Popcorn (extra buttery!)
2- Fresh pineapple
3- Garden cucumbers
4- Warm bread
5- Cheese and pickles

5 things I would do if I was suddenly a billionare
1- Furnish my classroom with a laptop for every student
2- Pay off my car/student loan
3- Buy a house with a back yard and pasture so I could have a dog and a horse
4- Create my very own library
5- Take each of my siblings for a special day where we could do anything they wanted

5 of my bad habits:
1- Speeding
2- Eating more than I should
3- Spending too much time online
4- Trying to do everything all at once
5- Worrying about what other people think

5 jobs I have had:
1- Ranch hand
2- Daycare aide
3- Custodian
4- Waitress
5- High School Teacher

5 things you don't know about me:
1-I HATE tomatoes
2- I am probably one of the healthiest people you've ever met (no broken bones, surgeries, still have my appendix and tonsils, no stitches, etc.)
3- I would rather sit in a pasture full of horses than do just about anything else (they have a very calming effect on me)
4- I was team captain of the 2nd place Scholastic Bowl team at the Idaho state tournament
5- I was painfully shy clear through about my junior year of high school

Tag, you're it!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Rachel! So, I didn't know you had a blog until I was looking and Carrie's friend list. So glad I looked. I think the blog gives you a better idea of what people have been doing than facebook does. I loved your post. It is so crazy how fast time goes now. Ten years doesn't seem that long ago. It seems like we were just entering the big scary world of high school. So, it look (from facebook) like you went to Europe. Fill me in on your trip and everything!

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